marketing automation

What is Marketing Automation? A complete guide

In today’s time when everything has gone digital and technologically updated, the way businesses go on has undergone many changes over the years. Right...

Future of Omnichannel Marketing: Trends & Predictions

"The future of marketing is all about delivering seamless and personalized experiences across multiple channels." - John Doe, Marketing Expert  In today's digital age, businesses...
Business automation tools

All you need to know about Business Automation tools

When we hear the word automation, it sounds like something related to machines and technology. So, yes if we take this terminology into business...
Managing workload with marketing automation

Simplify your workload with marketing automation | Cronberry

To build a robust and sound business, a lot of effort, teamwork, and efficiency at the operational and management level is needed, and thus,...
Team location tracking

Why team location tracking feature is must to consider in a...

Hey, folks! Imagine having a magic wand that lets you track your sales team members in real-time while they conquer new territories! Sounds awesome,...
lead generation and conversion

What is Lead Generation and Conversion?

The digital marketing team and the entire marketing department works day in and out to convert more and more qualified leads. Hold on, let’s...
7 ways to manage leads with marketing automation software

7 Ways To Manage leads with Marketing Automation Software | Cronberry

Converting potential leads & managing them always relies on the top of the priority list for every enterprise. The business environment is very dynamic...
convert potential customers into loyal customers

Convert business prospects into real time loyal customers| Cronberry

Business is all about creating people who admire what you serve and continuously motivate you to do better and serve better. To attain this...
7 benefits of sound customer experience (CX)

7 Benefits of Sound Customer Experience (CX)

Businesses spend lumpsum money on advertisements, attractive influencers, and what not, to retain customers & attract new ones. Everyone can create a customer experience...
Importance of customer centric marketing

Why do we need to focus on customer-centric marketing?

In today’s time, if we go out to buy something, we come across n number of varieties and one can select the desired product...