Importance of customer centric marketing

Why do we need to focus on customer-centric marketing?

In today’s time, if we go out to buy something, we come across n number of varieties and one can select the desired product...
convert potential customers into loyal customers

Convert business prospects into real time loyal customers| Cronberry

Business is all about creating people who admire what you serve and continuously motivate you to do better and serve better. To attain this...
lead generation and conversion

What is Lead Generation and Conversion?

The digital marketing team and the entire marketing department works day in and out to convert more and more qualified leads. Hold on, let’s...
Business automation tools

All you need to know about Business Automation tools

When we hear the word automation, it sounds like something related to machines and technology. So, yes if we take this terminology into business...
covid 19 and customer retention

COVID-19 and its impact on customer retention

With the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus, every industry whether small scale or large scale has been affected adversely. Moreover, thousands of businesses got...
importance of marketing automation

Utility of marketing automation in business

In the era of technology and the fully-advanced business world, marketing automation is the absolute key to sustain in the highly competitive business environment.  In...